Quantifying lithospheric fluid flux in the Earth’s crust

Dörte Jordan
Hosted by: Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands
Primary supervisor: Dr. Leo Kriegsman (Naturalis)
Country of origin: Germany
Languages: German, English, Spanish, French
Contact email: dorte.jordan@naturalis.nl
About me
During my studies in African Development Studies, Geography (Bayreuth, Germany), and finally Geosciences (Göttingen, Germany), and Geochemistry (St Andrews, UK) I discovered my passion for not only field and lab work but also science communication. My current position as Marie-Curie fellow provides the opportunity to link those fields and to also deepen my (and everyone else’s) knowledge about our beautiful planet. Besides with science, I like spending my time hiking, climbing and bouldering, mountain biking, and swimming.
About the project
Fluids are migrating from the Earth’s mantle through the entire crust. Those fluids are not only involved in volcanism or earthquakes but also in the formation of valuable resources. For a better understanding about the formation of resources it is necessary to quantify those fluxes. To begin with, we will create 5D visualisations based on already existing databases. These models include geographical expansion, depth, deep time, and geochemical compositions. A first goal is to thereby identify lacks in our databases to conduct specific field and lab work. Their results shall be included into the existing model. Besides, at a later stage of all ESR’s projects we will attempt to integrate as many results as possible into the model to obtain a better understanding on how and where fluids migrate within the crust but also to identify sinks and sources in the crust, which are crucial to the formation of resource deposits. As research area we will focus on Hercynian and/or Variscan orogenies, such as the Ossa-Morena Zone or the Pyrenees. Furthermore, we will concentrate on the behaviour of critical elements transported by the fluids. These are of special interest in the context of the energy and mobility transition.
Institution: Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden, Netherlands
Contact email: dorte.jordan@naturalis.nl