Meet the PhD fellows
Intan Chalid – ESR1
Project title:
Timescales of fluid mobility during metamorphic devolatilisation by 40Ar/39Ar stepwise crushing of vein minerals.
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Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Ina Alt – ESR2
Project title:
Constraining processes and sources of fluid-moderated metals in mid-crustal ore deposits.
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Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Maude Julia – ESR3
Project title:
Quantifying processes of fluid-rock interaction at the nano-scale.
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WWU Münster
Lorena H. Filiberto – ESR4
Project title:
Validating fluid permeation by experimental fluid-rock interaction.
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WWU Münster
Sander Hoogendoorn – ESR5
Project title:
How mobile are fluids and melts in the lower continental crust?
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Open University
Elisa Oliveira da Costa – ESR6
Project title:
How and how quickly do critical elements mobilise in the mid-lower continental crust?
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Open University
Ilias Koufogiannis – ESR7
Project title:
Halogens in hydrous minerals as proxies for crustal fluid flow.
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RWTH Aachen University
Akbar Huseynov – ESR8
Project title:
Timescales of fluid migration in orogenic foreland basin.
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Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Stylianos Karastergios – ESR9
Project title:
Transport capacity and physical properties of fluids in the lower middle crust.
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University of Milano Bicocca
Dörte Jordan – ESR10
Project title:
Quantifying lithospheric fluid flux through melt transfer from mantle and lower crust to middle and upper crust.
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Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Ibrahim Harb – ESR11
Project title:
Modelling fluid flow and water-rock interaction in fractured crust using a Discrete Fracture Network approach.
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Andrea Billarent Cedillo- ESR12
Project title:
Constraining the spatiotemporal evolution of reaction-induced fluid pathways during hydrothermal processes in the upper crust.
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Utrecht University
Meet the Supervisors
Meet the Management Team

dr. F. Brouwer
Project Coordinator

Prof. dr. C. Warren
Training Coordinator

Dr. Helen King
Scientific Coordinator

Dr. L.M. Kriegsman
Dissemination and Outreach Coordinator

- Professor Roberta Rudnick of UC-Santa Barbara; specialist in lower crustal geochemistry;
- Professor Janet Hergt, Janet Hergt, Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor Emeritus University of Melbourne; specialist in igneous geochemistry; specialist in igneous geochemistry;
- Professor Bjørn Jamtveit, Oslo University; specialist in the physics of geological processes and porous media;
- Professor Bruce Yardley, emeritus University of Leeds and Chief Geologist of the UK Radioactive Waste Management Directorate; specialist in fluid petrology.