Upcoming team events
The conference will cover topics related to fluids in the Earth: from the nanoscale to deep crustal metamorphism. The organisers welcome contributions from researchers interested in these important topics, including environmental issues and potential remediation strategies.
The conference will be held in the Aquila Atlantis Hotel, Heraklion, Crete over 3 full days, Tuesday – Thursday 19-21 March 2024 with a field trip on Friday 22 March 2024.
Recent team events
The T4 Transferable Skills Workshop will be held on the island of La Palma, Canarias, Spain from Sunday November 19th, through Friday November 24th. The first day will be a day’s field excursion to the active volcano on the island, led by a local representative of the Spanish Geological Survey IGME. We will have a five-day workshop programme Monday through Friday, including a Research-in-Progress (RiP) meeting.
CV writing, interview skills, managing commercial projects, intellectual property, working in different industries.
Media training, engagement with different audiences, presentation skills.
The T3 workshop in May 2023, which was hosted at the Lapworth (Geological) Museum in Birmingham (UK). In this workshop all ESRs have learned many aspects of outreach to, and engagement with, a broad audience, including young children, families, and people of diverse backgrounds. Several experts in this field from UK and NL were invited to deliver part of the training.
After the training the ESRs will put the new knowledge into practice, in collaboration with the museum staff and several PIs (Clare Warren, Leo Kriegsman, Niels van Manen). The ESRs were challenged to use their scientific and creative skills to organize a family day (27 May 2023) at the Lapworth Museum in which each of them can assume roles within or just outside their comfort zone. For example, explaining their project to school kids and parents; do a game with rocks or minerals; lead a nearby outdoor activity if the weather allows it; act as a pop-up scientist; etc.
There are many societal issues close to the core of FluidNET that were addressed to raise the interest of visitors. We have settled on the general theme of fluid-rock interaction in advance. ESRs were also asked to bring some objects or models related to their research that they can use for demonstrations during the public event.

Pisa, Italy
Approaches to modelling, technical skills, practical applications.
Cadaques, Spain
5 days’ summer school with field activities (Cap de Creus) and the Research in Progress event.
The FluidNET Field School held late June to early July 2022 in Cadaques, Spain. It was organized by Naturalis and UU to bring the FluidNET consortium together in the Pyrenees, to introduce and discuss the unique problems, opportunities and skills related to field observations of crustal fluid flow and fluid-rock reaction. The Field School is considered successful and effective. Many details of the content were provided in advance though the field manuals and on the first two field days. Final presentations on field observations could be held.

the Modelling Workshop (5 days) was organised by Beneficiary Amphos21 and covered basic introductions to the concepts underpinning fluid-rock interaction, thermodynamic, and geological/kinematic modelling. Partner Organisations 4D-Geo and ETH Zurich led a day’s training each. The workshop was designed to provide the ESRs with a basic knowledge of how to interrogate the databases that underpin the models, the pros and cons of modelling complex systems and basic model design.
Aachen, Germany
Technical knowledge, practical applications, data approaches.
Technical Workshop (4 days) was organised by Beneficiary RWTH, and introduced the entire ESR cohort to fluid-related geochemistry and analyses. The workshop was taught by academic and technical experts and provided the ESRs with an introduction to the main analytical methodologies applied to understanding the geological record of crustal fluids. The main aim of the workshop was to ensure that all the ESRs had a base level of knowledge of geochemistry relating to fluids, regardless of their project.

After the long pandemic, for the first time, FluidNET members met with other university members live. We shared information with each other and exchanged ideas about future research. This was also a time reserved for 12 young ESRs to introduce themselves and their projects. We extend our deepest regards to the EU project Officer – Giuliana Donini coordinating the Midterm review.
Also we would like to express our deep gratitude to the family of the Utrecht University who welcomed us throughout the whole process, and to Mr. Oliver Pluemper for the organization.

During the week 7-11 February, in Barcelona, we (the ESRs of FluidNET) gathered in our first in-person meeting. We were very happy to meet our colleagues, talk with them about our projects and network with each other.

Introduction to ESR research projects:
Weds 26th 2022 – presentations day 1 – upper crustal levels
Thu 27th 2022 – presentations day 2 – middle and lower crustal levels
- introduce the concept and significance of engaged research and the values underpinning high-quality engagement
- support ESR upstream planning for engaged research by exploring:
- motivations for engagement and its relevance to their research
- strategies for identifying ‘stakeholders’ (note inclusive definition of stakeholders);
- strategies and methods for working with different stakeholder communities;
- routes for engaging with stakeholders
This series of meetings will introduce the ESRs to the FluidNet coordination team and the Research, Training and Communication strategies of FluidNet. ESRs will split into teams to tackle an assignment to be delivered before the January Network meeting.
15 October 2021
12 November 2021
10 December 2021
Submission of applications: January – March 2021
Deadline applications: 1 March 2021
Interviews: March – April 2021
Appointment of successful candidates: July – December 2021
First fieldwork: September – October 2021 (conditions permitting)
Interviews will be conducted in the form of an interview workshop to be held late March – early April 2021.
Appointment follows in negotiation with the partners’ institution individually.